Sensor projects


Laser Position Sensor

Laser Position Sensor is an optical sensor that measures and provides the two-dimensional coordinates of visible red laser light shined onto its surface with resolution of 0.0001″. Laser Position Sensor can be used for positioning and alignment, long-range beam-break/security trip wires, remote device control, data communications, and high-speed photography.[more]

Posted in : Laser projects | Measurement projects | Sensor projects

DIY Parking Sonsor using Arduino

This DIY Parking Sonsor using Arduino, ultrasonic range finder and some of components
Mike writes :
The last time I was home visiting my parents I noticed bumper imprints caused by my mother suburban on the stairs leading up from the garage. Their garage it turns out is just barely long enough to fit their gigantic vehicles. So I decided it would be nice to have some visual cue for parking. Out came the arduino and a sonar range finder from Radio Shack.

Posted in : Arduino projects | DIY projects | Sensor projects

UFO Sensor project

The project goal is to detect any UFO activity in some areas classified as “spot”. To do this, we must build a device capable of recording many physical measurements in different domains. The few available measures suggest the monitoring of magnetic fields and microwave , some sensors such as electrostatic field probe, radiation (X,?,Gamma), barometer, thermometer, and possibly accelerometer (seismometer). [more]

Posted in : Sensor projects


The development team of this project aim to develop sensors for measuring ionic contaminants (pH, Chloride ion, Potassium, Mercury, Fluoride, Arsenic, Lead, Iron, Cadmium, Sulphate and Nitrate) as well as for some physical parameters (like conductance and salinity) for water quality testing. Polysensor can now measure six parameters simultaneously (pH, NO3-, Cl-, EC, TDS and salinity). [more]

Posted in : Sensor projects

Paper Sensor

The idea of the โ€œPaper Sensorโ€ is to control sound on an individual storage medium: Silver Lines on continuous paper. It could also be used as a Midi-Controller for Digital Music.[more]

Posted in : MIDI related projects | Sensor projects