I’m going to teach you how to use a sewing machine. This is bare-bones how to set up a sewing machine for you as a home sewer so you can feel confident every time you sit down to sew.
Keep in mind I’ve been working on a Bernina machine, your machine may be different but these are some guidelines that will help you set up your machine hopefully and get you ready to sew. All machines will have some sort of setup like this where they guide the thread in some sort of “N” shape to slow the thread down to control it more to put it through some tension discs to make sure that we are in control of our thread. It’s going to be some sort of “N” or some sort of lazy “Z”. Here’s our thread holder, so we slide our thread on. Here’s our thread. We’re going to floss it through the first thread guide. We want to go to the left to the left of this tension disc in here.
This slows down the thread Now you go down under this thread guide. Now you’re going to wrap this, and again there’s a little tension disk to the left where we slide our thread into. Now let’s talk about threading it through the needle. This dial is important because this shows how much zig-zag is in your stitch. Zero is zero zig-zag. Five is the most zig-zag. You can see this explains this outer dial. Zig-zag, less zig-zag. The middle dial is needle position.
We won’t worry about that at all. This dial is for buttonholes. Again we won’t worry about this at all. This dial is for stitch length Zero: close together stitches. Five: further apart stitches. Diagram says close together, further apart. Now what does this mean? This means that we can reverse if we lift up this handle. Look at your manual for your machine. Now that I’ve explained some of what the pictures mean and what your thread should look like a top of your machine it should be a little bit easier for you to get started.